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Last Arc: Tactics Analogue is a series of rule books for a Tactical Tabletop Role-Playing Game (TTRPG). It is a more streamlined and accessible Table Top game that will appeal to new and veteran gamers alike. 



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  • A talent tree base progression system instead of a fixed system to give players more choice in building their perfect character. 

  • No more rolling for saves, all characters and creatures have three defenses (Reflex, Will and Fortitude) that must be rolled against for various effects. These defenses will grow as they level. No longer will you be the victim of a poor roll to save against an effect. 

  • Easier multi-classing, our system is designed for quicker and easier multi-classing so you can get your character build just right!

  • A streamlined, skill based Magic system that allows your magical power to grow with your character. 

  • Equipment matters, Shields allow you to block and negate incoming damage, wands and staves allow you to consistently throw magical bolts without using your mana, and Armor provides damage reduction!

  • Weapons are skill based, improving your skills directly effects your ability to wield a weapon!


  • 6 Base classes and 18 Advanced classes to choose from 

  • A more tactical based table top game, your party composition matters! 

  • Build your character to fill one or multiple roles like Tank, melee/ranged DPS, Healing or support. 

  • Combat is more fast paced, most encounters last between 4-6 rounds. 

  • With hits being heavier, players in the role of Tank can use abilities like Taunt to protect their allies and Block to mitigate and prevent damage to themselves and allies. 

  • High damage hits can move a creature down the condition track, applying penalties to attacks, defenses and skills. 

  • Bards are performers! Their performances can provide helpful buffs to allies or debuffs to the enemies

  • An unlocked spell book. Spells are not class specific. If you can cast magic, you can choose any spells available!

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